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better supplements

Today, American Health remains one of the most trusted and respected innovators of nutritional supplements. We pride ourselves on creating products that contain wholesome ingredients, are non-GMO whenever possible, have full-label transparency, and support individual health goals. Those are the standards that makes American Health… American Health!

A couple riding a bike

our name says it all

American Health supplements are manufactured in the USA with select ingredients from around the world and are crafted in state-of-the-art manufacturing facilities.

excellence second to none

We recognize the responsibility that accompanies the research and development of innovative, science-based nutritional products. Our Quality Assurance and Quality Control Departments work in concert, providing checks and balances that ensure attention to everything from raw material testing to final product analysis and science-backed claims. That’s why if it says American Health on the label… you can be assured you’re getting the quality you expect to help support your health.

From our-market leading digestive enzymes^ to our unique clinically-researched vitamin C formula (Ester-C®) our commitment to creating high-quality supplements that offer exceptional value is reflected in our ability to create industry-leading, award-winning formulas that support healthy living year after year.

^Based on SPINS data for 52 w/e 8/9/20 (units)

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American Heath Probiotic Kid Chewables